<aside> 🌟 Welcome to the ultimate compilation of learning and development (L&D) GPT-4 prompts! These range from innovative & creative use cases for L&D to more functional topics. Plus you’ll find 11 picture perfect prompts to show the possibilities when GPT-4 widely releases image upload functionality.


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101 L&D prompts you can use in ChatGPT right now

<aside> <img src="/icons/exclamation-mark_purple.svg" alt="/icons/exclamation-mark_purple.svg" width="40px" /> Disclaimer: ChatGPT was used to create many of the ideas and prompts in this compilation. All were tested & refined, as needed. Please update the prompts to customize and tailor to your needs. 😊


These prompts look simple, but don’t let that fool you.

GPT-4 brings some pretty exciting capabilities. With GPT-4, ChatGPT seems to be better able to take simple information and build on it to create some pretty amazing outputs. Try out some prompts in this complication, or just use it as inspiration for your own use cases.

10 L&D Use Cases and Prompts

  1. Personalized Learning Plan for New Software Development Team Member

Use Case

Create a comprehensive learning plan for a new software developer that covers their initial onboarding, skills assessment, and continuous development, while considering their individual learning preferences.



Task: Design a personalized learning plan for a new employee joining a software development team, taking into account the onboarding process, skill assessment, ongoing development, and team dynamics.

Key Considerations: